QaDiL - Quick and Dirty interactive LaTeX

Niels Lauritzen

A LaTeX like system using KaTeX and SageMathCell for fast production of (mathematics) html-notes with interactive elements. Use requires (installation of) python and make and knowledge of editing LaTeX with a (plain) text editor. Preview of html can be done in any browser. Publishing your notes is as easy as unzipping a file (for example in your GitHub webpage repo).

\chapter{A quiz on a famous integral}
  \question What is
  \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} e^{-x^2} d x?
  Click on the right answer below. 
  \answer{F} $$2 \sqrt{\pi}$$
  \answer{T} $$\sqrt{\pi}$$
  \answer{F} $$\pi$$

The proof is hidden in the button below:

  See the \url{Gaussian integral}{} article.

You may want to seek help from \url{Sage}{}:

integrate(exp(-x**2), x, -infinity, infinity)

1A quiz on a famous integral

What is
Click on the right answer below.
The proof is hidden in the button below:
See the Gaussian integral article.
You may want to seek help from Sage: